In my heart I have always been a free spirit.
I grew up on a farm in Kentucky where I had the freedom to run barefoot on the earth surrounded by animals, corn fields and gravel roads. At the early age of 3 I discovered my passion when I was enrolled in my very first dance class. Dance became the thread through both the darkest and most healing cycles of my life. Determined to be more independent and motivated than the environment I had grown up in, dance became my ticket to a new life. I attended a Performing Arts High School and received a full scholarship to the prestigious New World School of Arts in Miami. Halfway through College I was offered what I had dreamed of, to be a principle dancer in a modern dance company.
The demands of being a full-time dancer were grueling on my body. I danced nonstop for so many hours each day, leaving my body aching past the point of exhaustion. Despite working my hardest every move was criticized. I felt like nothing I did was right and I lived in constant anxiety. Pushed to my limits - physically, mentally and emotionally while being put through both physical and verbal abuse by my dance director. I had too much pride to quit and afraid to look like a failure.

Then I was blessed
with the gift of yoga.
Embodied movement had always been my touchstone but here was a portal to equanimity. Here I found answers in the stillness, my truth, and connected with my higher self. I was learning to listen, connecting to spirit.
With the birth of my son, my life changed forever. I turned inward and learned to connect to this unborn baby, this new body, my own womb, and natural health. My son gave my life a greater purpose and responsibility. As a single mother, I worried about making enough money to support us through bartending and my soul was asking for more. After receiving my Yoga Teacher Training and continuing to educate myself and putting myself around like-minded people, I noticed I was attracting others who needed healing as well and who honored who I was on my inner journey. I could be there for them through compassion, yoga, therapeutic touch, intuitive guidance and spiritual teachings that were gifted to me.

Now I am privileged to hold space for others by reflecting the wisdom that flows through me. I’ve learned to open my heart and listen. I’ve reconnected to that barefoot little girl on the farm who was free. I’ve learned how to dance the dance that was designed for my soul. The most powerful thing we can do is say yes to love, to life, and open our hearts to this Universe. You have a light to share with the world. I am here to offer you guidance to see you back home.
With Love & Light,