The colors
The grays
The insights
The activations
The revelations
The interconnected place and time
The winds
The waters
The love
The turmoil
The storm
The clouds
The covering
The unveiling
The sensations
The skin
The eyes
The head
The heart
The earth
The birds
Your own 2 feet
The hair upon your head
What gets wet
What stays dry
Who gives
Who gets
Where can we receive
What van we give Self
What do we observe inside and outside
Where do we go from here
Into the portals
Into the openings
Through the light or the dark
From the whole or single atom
Ah to be of each experience
In the witness
Of the world
Human form
To Love from all
Thank you for this morning Father Sky, Great Spirit, Mother Earth, The Mystery.
To all be sacred🙏💙
In the subtle consciousness ...
In the subtle consciousness of natural awareness there’s so much more than what appears before the naked eye. One can see, one can mimic, one can repeat the words or actions of others but until one truly takes the time to feel what that is from the depth of their being, can they truly express from that authentic place of what lies behind the movements, pictures, sounds or words.
That will come within the practice, within the work, within the discipline if one chooses to see what is real and what is a duplication being passed down by others or embodied by self. Maybe this is the way we begin but then the teachings must evolve from a self expressive state.
The true teacher connects from a higher place, tuning into the energies around them, a universal intelligence and holds space from that place. The student becomes a part of the whole, each uniquely bringing their consciousness to the collective. It’s a beautiful orchestration of what’s been passed down, what’s being experienced in the now and how these energies circulate from a higher consciousness into this precise "time as art" moment that we know it.
When one gets out of their own way or stops believing they have to be anything other than what they already are, or came here to be, then they no longer may feel their words are not enough, their actions are not worthy, in the belief that they don’t amount to that of the others around them. That is the illusion.
Allowing ourselves to truly feel, to truly see, to truly experience then we are the teachers of the teachers, the writers of the words, the wisdom behind the movements, the creation of existence,
There was nothing to duplicate that wasn’t already there all along.
How do we tap into that?
Allow yourself to be in the presence of those that express from that place. Stop being sold on what or who isn’t real.
Listen to your soul.
Stop playing small.
Own into your greatness
And if you’re not there yet, be inspired by those that continue to get out of their own way to share from a place of majestic equanimity. It is in their reflection that we can see what this natural awareness of absolute consciousness is in its most expansive state.
With 🖤, Krista
Guided by Light
By Spirit
From the Sun and the Earth
Through the Waters and the Fire
Above and Below
Honoring my space between
Feeling into Purpose
Held by those around
Allowing the Rebirths to happen
Being a part of theWhole
Connecting to Oneness
Embracing each moment
Clearing the Vision
Opening the Heart
Being that of Creation
Arising each day full of Life
- Krista